Today we are embarking on the Covenant Keeper’s cruise. We are looking forward to all God has planned for all of us in the next few days. For us personally it is a wonderful way to celebrate Father’s Day.
We never cease to be blessed by God’s generational plan for families. So many today are making decisions that satisfy their own needs, but fail to realize how those decisions affect the next generation.
Divorce comes against so many of the plans and purposes of God for family, but perhaps its biggest casualty is the relationship of children with their fathers. We read a statistic years ago that men who do not receive custody of their children seldom continue relationship with them.
There are two schools of thought on this. Some feel that when a man decides to leave his wife and reject his family, it is best he does not continue in relationship with the children. Others feel that the relationship with their father is so important that, even though flawed, it is better than no relationship at all. There is also the situation where the mother makes the decision to leave and takes the children with her, keeping the father from relationship with his children.
Whatever the outcome, we know the enemy works hard to remove the father from his proper role in the family. Fathers are so important to the maturing of their children, to the development of their identity and purpose in life. We know there are many single moms doing a wonderful job raising their children alone and yet we know that even they recognize that they cannot take the place of a father.
Fathers are held to a very high standard by God. They are the spiritual head of their family and are given clear instructions by God’s Word of their role in the life of their children. A man who realizes the depth of his role as father will endeavor to walk closely with the Lord to draw strength and wisdom for the enormous task he has been given.
Children who lack a godly influence from their fathers face more challenges in life. Our prayer for years has been that the Church would recognize the void in the lives of fatherless children and that godly men would step up to mentor and encourage them. Too often people are simply trying to find someone to replace the previous spouse. That only adds more problems to the mix and usually does not address the real issue.
So today, we celebrate God’s plan for fathers. Whatever your personal situation is, we pray for the influence of a man of God in the lives of your children. Whether you face the challenges of joint custody or are raising your children alone, whether your spouse is not a good influence in the lives of your children, or whether you are kept from being part of their lives, God is able to bless your children because He is Father! Keep your heart open to His intervention in their lives. And if you are a father, may today be a special day of blessing for you!